Who Else Wants to Move Abroad? 5 Tips for Moving Abroad


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Moving broad for work or fun is both exciting and frightening, here are some things you should know

An ancient quote says, 'those who travel across the seas only change their skies, but not their souls", nowadays the opposite is true. Studies show that people who live abroad find it easier to engage with other cultures. Moving abroad gives you more perspective on life. But it's not easy to take the first step. The thought of leaving your family and friends can be distressing coupled with the fact that you may not know anybody in the new country. However, it's an opportunity to leave your comfort zone and explore different cultures and issues you haven't seen before.

But there are challenges you'll encounter. Paperwork can be exhausting; The stress of trying to blend into a new environment, especially when you're not fluent in their language; The guilt that comes with leaving your family and friends, which they may not initially understand. But facts prove that the distance could actually strengthen your relationship. So if you're tired of the same old routine and want some more adventure in your life, you'll find that you can master the skill of dealing with the challenges that come with living in a foreign city. Whether you're a millennial moving to another country for work or a retiree just seeking adventure, these tips will help make the move as painless as possible.

Tips For Moving Abroad

1. Make some research. You already know this is important. It's a no-brainer. Know a bit about the political climate of the country, the economic climate, geography and important public figures. Also learn something of the culture, history and staple foods.

2. You don't really need much stuff. Unless you're running away from your home country, never to return, you'll find that excess luggage is just what it's called; excess luggage. It's a given that there will be stores and large shopping outlets in the country you're moving to. Also leaving back the excess stuff might be a way to dispose of materialism and reprioritize what's important in your life. However, never forget to take the important stuff. Don't forget to take your favorite 'Abercrombie' shirt or else your mind might not leave home.

3. Don't expect to settle in at once. It might take at least three months before you fully integrate with the culture of a particular place. You might find it hard to make friends during this time. So, don't rush and don't feel like you've to immerse completely while trying to socialize but stretching your limits of comfortability. During this time, you can observe. Also, maybe, get some interesting 'alone' activities to keep it fun.

4. Experience new things. Travelling abroad and not trying new foods, people and customs is like going to school and not learning anything. Don't be afraid to experience new things. Also, don't limit yourself to the big cities. If you travel to Spain, don't spend all your time in Madrid. Check out the smaller town, you'll learn and experience much more.

5. Make local friends. As a new property investor abroad, your local friends will be able to assist you a lot. They'll give you practical information and might even put in some legwork for you. Generally, you're not moving abroad to hang out with fellas from your home country. Therefore, mingle with the locals.




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How Much Should I expect To Pay in Stamp Duty Fees When Buying Foreign Property?

  • 20, May 2023

When you hear stamp duty, don't run for cover! Stamp duty fees are only applicable in the Commonwealth of Nations countries, Singapore, Australia and a few states in the US. It is a tax that arises from the transfer of property, usually, you pay when you sell. In this case, there will be a transfer of documents. Stamp duty legally requires that these documents are stamped, this shows the amount of tax paid. This means you’re actually paying for government stamp. Where enforced, stamp duty is placed on transfer of lands, homes, buildings, copyrights, patents and securities.

Facts About Stamp Duty fees

Stamp duty can be one small additional cost to your home, especially if you're dealing with a second home or investment property. Here are some things you should know about stamp duty:

* In the UK, the government levies stamp duty tax on all share transactions, currently at 0.5%. This generates £4bn for the treasury.

* In the European Union, Germany, Sweden, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have no stamp duty.

* France charges stamp duty only for transactions above £5,000. In the US, stamp duty is more or less insignificant, only 0.003 percent is charged.

* When you deal with really big money, it becomes a problem. Stamp duty is the reason why influential fund manager, Fidelity, moved half of its £6bn UK special situation fund offshore in 2016.

* Stamp duty came into being 200 years ago in the UK and some people believe that it was the sparking flame for American Independence Movement. When it was introduced to the American colonies in 1765, it was met by protests.

* Stamp duty is only paid on brick and mortar of the house. It shouldn't feature fixtures and fittings, white goods or items of furniture as they are exempt. You pay stamp duty on land and property purchases.

* You also pay the stamp duty when you buy shares valued at more than £ 1,000, although it is a different system, and the rates are different as well.

* You do not pay it on properties in Scotland. Instead you have a Land and Buildings transaction tax on properties costing more than £ 145,000.

* In the UK, just because your property is below £ 125,000 does not mean you can ignore Stamp Duty. You still have to submit a Stamp Duty land tax return.


* Even though your lawyer usually takes care of it, it is your responsibility to make sure that the return and payment are shipped on time. If it is late, you will pay a fine of £ 100, plus any interest.

* If you are transferring a portion of your home to an ex-partner after divorce or separation, or if you are giving the deeds of your house to someone - as a gift or in your will - you do not have to pay stamp duty.

How Much Stamp Duty Should I Expect To Pay?

In the UK, there are several price bands for Stamp Duty. The tax is calculated by the part of the purchase price of property that falls within each band. For example, if you buy a house for £ 275,000, the tax on the stamp duty (SDLT) you owe is calculated as follows:

0% on the first £ 125,000 = £ 0

2% on next £ 125,000 = £ 2,500

5% in the final £ 25,000 = £ 1,250

Total SDLT = £ 3,750

In this case you pay £ 3,750. This will not be the case in other countries. So, it is important that you contact a lawyer in your destination country who’d give information on how stamp duty is calculated.

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4 essential money tips when traveling overseas for work

  • 07, December 2022

Money-saving tips for work-related travel


Travel is exciting, whether for work or personal reasons. While traveling for work should sound stressful, strangely it usually isn't for many millennials. Add in the perk of having your trip financed by a third party, probably your company or client, and it might get way too exciting. So much so that you start dipping into your own cash reserves.


While you may not be the one spending the money. Traveling overseas for work presents a great opportunity to save up some cash, probably enough to travel again in the future.


The first step as with any frugal spending approach is to sit down with pen and paper and examine your budget; what is essential and what is trivial. What can you live without and what is crucial. Keep these four money tips in mind when next you're traveling for work.

- Consider going for cheaper accommodation. An economical option might be opting for short-term Airbnb units instead of expensive hotels. There are also services, like Homestay, which allows you to stay with a host in your destination for a reduced price. Often, you get to mix with the locals and actually experience what living in that city or country feels like. However, ensure to find out if this wouldn't be in violation of company policy.


- Check out cheaper airlines. You can snag a deal on flights and other essentials with a service like Lowfares that allow you to compare rates on airfares, hotels, and car rentals. Another tip is to travel during off-peak periods.


Generally, weekdays, especially midweek, are a great time to secure cheap rates. FareCompare CEO, Rick Seaney, in an article on USAToday https://eu.usatoday.com/story/travel/columnist/seaney/2018/01/02/best-and-worst-days-fly-2018/995658001/ , puts Jan 9 - March 16 as the cheapest times to fly through Europe. Since prices drop as much as 40% over holiday fares.


- Cut back on restaurants and drinks. Money spent on food per day can easily add up, especially when you're not the one spending. However, it only takes a little discipline to be thrifty and get some cash saved. One tip is to plan out what you'd eat every day and how much you want to spend. Don't get too cut up in the local cuisine, while ignoring your pocket. An advantage of a service like Homestay is that it allows you to spend little on food.


- Teach a language or offer a service. You can try a service like Diverbo, which will cover some of your vacationing costs and in exchange, you help locals with their English. AdventureWork shows listings of jobs in the adventure space. Folks literally pay you to teach skiing and snowboarding etc. You can also babysit or teach a language. https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2016/07/27/23-companies-that-will-help-you-travel-the-world-for-free-and-maybe-even-pay-you-to-do-it/#4e5d1881e0fd . So, if you have some free time on your hands, you can consider offering a service or volunteering.


There are also discount services or loyalty rewards on hotels and fares. You can take advantage of these if you frequent the same location multiple times a year.


Traveling overseas for work presents an opportunity to work, have fun and maybe get enough money saved up to finance your next travel.

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Global Real Estate Market Report 2023: Comprehensive Analysis and Forecasts

  • 30, January 2023

The global real estate market is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry that plays a crucial role in the global economy. As we look ahead to 2023, it is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the real estate market and make informed projections for the future. This article delves into the intricacies of the global real estate market, providing a detailed analysis and forecasts for the year 2023.


The global real estate market has always been a significant contributor to economic growth and development. In recent years, it has witnessed remarkable transformations driven by various factors such as economic trends, demographic shifts, technological advancements, and environmental concerns. The year 2023 presents an exciting landscape for the real estate market, characterized by new opportunities, challenges, and trends that shape the industry.

Factors Influencing the Global Real Estate Market

The global real estate market is influenced by several key factors that impact its performance and growth potential. These factors include:

Economic Conditions

Economic conditions, such as GDP growth rates, interest rates, inflation, and employment levels, significantly impact the real estate market. A robust economy fosters demand for both residential and commercial properties, attracting investors and driving market expansion.

Economic Conditions

Demographic Trends

Demographic factors, such as population growth, urbanization, and changing household structures, have a profound impact on the real estate market. Understanding the preferences and needs of different demographic groups helps shape investment strategies and market offerings.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements have revolutionized the real estate industry, leading to improved construction techniques, smart homes, virtual property tours, and digital marketing platforms. Embracing technology is crucial for real estate companies to stay competitive and meet evolving consumer expectations.

Environmental Considerations

Increasing environmental awareness has influenced the real estate market, with sustainability and energy efficiency becoming key priorities. Green buildings, eco-friendly practices, and renewable energy integration are gaining prominence, providing opportunities for innovation and investment.

Government Policies and Regulations

Government policies and regulations play a vital role in shaping the real estate market. Policies related to taxation, land use, zoning, and urban planning influence property prices, market liquidity, and investment attractiveness.

Regional Analysis

The global real estate market exhibits significant regional variations in terms of market dynamics, trends, and investment opportunities. Let's explore the key regions and their characteristics:

North America

North America boasts a mature real estate market, with the United States and Canada leading the way. The region offers stable economic conditions, diverse investment opportunities, and a well-developed infrastructure. The residential sector remains strong, driven by population growth and urbanization trends.

North America Real Estate


Europe's real estate market is characterized by its diversity, with variations in economic conditions, regulations, and cultural factors across countries. Urban centers like London, Paris, and Berlin offer prime investment opportunities, while emerging markets in Eastern Europe show great growth potential.


The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing rapid urbanization and economic growth, driving demand for real estate. China, India, and Japan are the key players in this market, offering vast investment potential in both residential and commercial sectors.

Asia-Pacific Real Estate

Latin America

Latin America presents a mixed real estate landscape, with countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina showcasing diverse opportunities. Emerging middle-class populations, urbanization trends, and favorable government policies contribute to the growth of the real estate market in the region.

Middle East and Africa

The Middle East and Africa region exhibit varying real estate markets, with countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa standing out. Rapid urban development, infrastructure projects, and increasing foreign investments shape the market dynamics in these countries.

Market Segmentation

The global real estate market can be broadly segmented into several categories based on property types and usage. Let's explore these segments:

Residential Real Estate

Residential real estate encompasses properties intended for personal use, including houses, apartments, condominiums, and townhouses. Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and lifestyle preferences influence the demand for residential properties.

Residential Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate refers to properties used for business purposes, such as office buildings, retail spaces, and industrial parks. Economic conditions, business expansion, and consumer trends impact the demand and profitability of commercial properties.

Industrial Real Estate

Industrial real estate includes properties used for manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution purposes. The rise of e-commerce and global supply chains has increased the demand for industrial spaces, particularly in logistics hubs and key transportation corridors.

Hospitality and Tourism Real Estate

Hospitality and tourism real estate comprises properties such as hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, and hospitality infrastructure. Global travel trends, tourist arrivals, and destination popularity influence the growth and profitability of this sector.

Emerging Trends and Technologies

The global real estate market is experiencing several emerging trends and technologies that are reshaping the industry. These include:


PropTech, or property technology, refers to the use of technology and innovation to enhance efficiency, transparency, and convenience in the real estate sector. PropTech solutions include virtual reality tours, blockchain-based property transactions, and smart home automation systems.


Co-living and Co-working Spaces

The rising popularity of co-living and co-working spaces is transforming the way people live and work. These shared spaces provide flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and community-oriented environments that cater to the evolving needs of modern professionals.

Sustainable and Green Buildings

Sustainability has become a significant focus in the real estate industry. Green buildings, energy-efficient designs, and eco-friendly practices not only reduce environmental impact but also provide long-term cost savings and enhance property values.

Investment Opportunities

The global real estate market offers a multitude of investment opportunities for individuals and institutions seeking to diversify their portfolios. Some key investment avenues include:

Residential Properties in Emerging Markets

Investing in residential properties in emerging markets can yield substantial returns due to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and increasing middle-class populations. Careful market analysis and understanding local regulations



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