5 Fears Limiting You from Real Estate Investing


Just like any investment where speculations are involved, there is risk with real estate investing. Investors who have gotten their fingers bit have fed us the ‘negative stories’ and have helped create many fears. Yes, there are risks, and they can make for a pretty bad fall if you don’t prepare for them. But there are also fears. Here we’ll explore five basic fears stopping you from making that real estate investing decision.

I also hope to expound on these fears to help you see that you can get past them. The best way to overcome fear is embrace it and do that which you fear. So, no matter what we say, the decision to take the plunge still lies in your hands. Will you create long-term prosperity with your real estate investment or let fear hold you back?

1.     Negative Cash Flow.

Cash flow is what remains when the operating expenses, the mortgage costs and other expenses have been deducted. The fear of negative cash flow, mostly fed by investors who have been there and done that, has held many people back. However, it is just about making the right calculations. You don’t expect to be 100% accurate about the possibility of vacancies or how much rental income you could make in a month but you can obtain past rental figures from the previous landlord, estimate possible repair expenses and still get your numbers close a notch.


2.     Right Timing.

You’ve always heard ‘you’ve got to time the market’. The problem with that is this: you might never find the right time. If you’re afraid that the market might just not be ripe for real estate investing, I say that’s FEAR. As long as you can comfortably buy a property without putting any strain on your family’s budget and the country in which you’re investing isn’t in a pothole, go right on. The time is right.


3.     Chasing the positive cash flows.

Some real estate agents who have tried and fumbled will tell you that you can’t cash flow positively on duplexes, condos, office complexes etc. With discouraging tales of despair, you catch the FEAR. This is actually an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. They failed because they went in with the wrong PLANS. Learn, attend seminars, buy DVDs and EBooks and develop a fail-proof strategy and you’ll get the positive cash flows.


4.     The hassles of management.

Chasing renters for each month’s rent and dolling out money on property repairs are all reasons to run far from real estate investing. What if you had a troublesome tenant giving you problems? The hassles could keep you awake at night. You however do not need to go through the stress of managing your property yourself. You can hire professional property managers or management companies to do the job and do it well.


5.     Lack of experience.

Yes, you do lack experience. All the seminars and courses do not make up for firsthand experience. So, if you lack the experience, why not work with a realtor who is a local expert and leverage their experience. (Check out the importance of a local realtor).


In conclusion, it’s not certain that investing in real estate will make you an overnight millionaire but if you do your homework and work with the right people, you’ll do just fine.

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3 Types of Content Real Estate Agents should consistently Blog About

  • 02, September 2023

The most important aspect of agent-client relationship is communication. A house seller or buyer can find it stressful dealing with an agent or buyer who is not a good communicator. An agent that stays in constant contact with clients and answers their questions proves his or her proactivity.


Yes you need to let buyers and sellers know where they stand quickly so they can move on to another property or potential buyer. Real estate is time sensitive. Buyers and sellers need the right information and need it fast. Hence, one of the qualities of a good agent is the ability to give the right information to the right kind of buyer at the right time. What an experienced agent might deem insignificant information might be important information to clients who are new to the real estate game. Putting the right information in front of clients communicate that you're an agent who puts clients first.


It's the responsibility of a good agent to sort out what clients need to know and provide this information. Hence it's important that an agent has a well updated website complete with valuable information. You don't really need to pressure your clients with too much information. Just the right information will do. Here are five content types that real estate buyers and sellers find valuable.




When correctly done, real estate content marketing can be a game changer for your real estate business. You have the chance to attract thousands of new leads through well-researched, helpful content. This is why effective real estate bloggers put a lot of plan and effort into creating the right content for their real estate website. Here are some of the real estate content types you should be posting for your real estate business.


1. Market Reports. Writing a recap of real estate activity in your community for the month shows you as a knowledgeable real estate agent in the community. Buyers and sellers want to be informed about the real estate market in their area of residence. Even if they aren't going to take action immediately, when you post fact-based market reports, they know whom to approach for questions. Also, Google ranks market reports high. Since few realtors are posting them, your posts have less competition.


2. Local Community Information. A local community guide includes details about a neighborhood such as detailed information about the local real estate market, local economy, housing and population, local school information, parks and restaurants and attractions. This type of content is important because it increases your real estate website's SEO value and helps the area residents see that you have strong knowledge of the community.


3. Home buyer and seller tips. Both buyers and sellers have a lot of questions on their minds about real estate. Providing helpful information on your site can be timely and help you gain more leads. However, when covering the questions, your visitors would find it much more helpful if you cover the topic in 'extreme' detail and they'll love you for it.


Cold calling for sale by owners or door knocking is old school. A much better way of gaining trust and new leads is through helpful content.  When you consistently post content that real estate buyers and sellers love, you'll start reaping the benefits of real estate content marketing.



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Whats the impact of Brexit on London real estate?

  • 25, September 2023

While some analysts believe Brexit has made the UK housing market porous. Others believe Brexit will pave way for a stronger housing market in coming years


The interaction between real estate and foreign policy is clear cut and this is more than proved by Brexit. As the March 2019 final Brexit negotiations approach, a precursor has been set, which might influence London's real estate market in coming years.


A recent report from international property firm, Knight Frank, puts London as the top favorite destination for global capital. This is due to the fact that London still presents liquidity and stability, factors attractive to investors.


Nick Braybrook, Knight Frank London's head of capital markets says ‘Despite the political turmoil surrounding the UK with Brexit, London is once again the most liquid real estate market in the world. It is more popular as a home for international investment than Paris Central, Manhattan, Munich, and Frankfurt combined,’.https://www.propertywire.com/news/global-news/londons-commercial-property-market-top-draw-international-buyers The influx of foreign investors particularly Asian buyers could be due to a weakened pound sterling, which has led to a slow growth in home prices.


According to an article by FT https://www.ft.com/content/87b1f284-1452-11e7-80f4-13e067d5072c "home prices have seen slow growth since the 2016 Brexit announcement. In May 2018, prices fell by 0.4% in London from an annual rate of 12% in 2016."


The pre-Brexit rise in home prices, which were growing at above 10 percent year over year before the EU referendum has given way to slower price growth. 2018 so far has seen a price growth of only 3% all over the UK. For millennials and London residents, the pre-Brexit rates had kept them on edge with staggering prices. Now the current fair price increases and a residential market that is more or less slow present better odds of landing favorable home deals.


Currently, London's economy is great. There is a low unemployment rate and inflation rates are down. Speculators, however, believe that the thriving economy will lead to higher interest rates soon. This means that first-time homebuyers would need to pay higher down payments on mortgages.


And even though foreign investment has decreased in most sectors, due to the uncertain climate surrounding BREXIT, real estate foreign activity is at its peak. Even the tax hikes introduced on foreign landlords, renting out their houses, hasn't diminished London's foreign real estate activity.


2019 will definitely be an interesting year for the UK's housing market, depending on the outcome of the final negotiations between the EU and the UK. However, an abrupt Brexit will do no one any good. Mark Carney, the governor of the bank of England has warned that a "disorderly" Brexit will lead to interest rate hikes which might greatly affect the property market.


According to FT, Theresa May’s government is actively seeking to avoid such a scenario. The prime minister has softened her position on Brexit in recent months and has agreed to a transition period that would maintain much of the status quo until at least 2021.


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3 Tips to Secure Financing for Foreign Property as a Boomerang Home Buyer in the US

  • 07, July 2023

Buyers with a foreclosure history have more to prove to the banks; hence getting loans might be tough. Below tips will help them get through the hurdles and secure financing for foreign property investment.

Are banks scared to give loans to boomerang buyers?

Applying for a loan after a foreclosure, if you're a property buyer in the US, is not a piece of cake. The lender wants to be sure of one thing: You are able to pay the loan and have learnt from your mistakes. If you're planning to buy a foreign property, getting financing becomes harder. If you do get financing, you might be immersed in a lot of paperwork.

Banks will want you to prove your income. They will look closely at your bill payment records after the foreclosure (hence the need to rebuild your credit). If you have a traditional job for which you receive a W-2 form, your lender will want to see it and verify your income with your employer. Boomerang buyers (property buyers with a foreclosure history) who work several part time jobs or are self-employed will face more scrutiny. They will have to show their income with several years of tax returns and other documents.

Yes, you might have a lot to prove to the bank when applying for mortgage as a boomerang buyer. This is why Realtor.com recommends including a letter in your mortgage application that explains the reason for foreclosure.

What Most Foreign Banks Require Before Giving Mortgage

Requirements for mortgages will vary from country to country as each country flaunt different taxation structures. Some countries will require you to open a bank account, get a tax identification number or get approval from Government housing agencies before you'd be allowed to buy a home.

You need to be conversant with the taxes that apply in your destination country. For example, foreign property buyers in Spain have to pay a wealth tax (patrimono in Spanish). Countries like South Africa also mandate a building insurance for foreign buyers.

The important thing when applying for a mortgage either as a buyer with foreclosure history or not is your ability to document everything. Mortgage has come a long way from the crisis periods and banks are more proactive. They want to verify any financial information provided.



Tips To Secure Financing for Foreign Property Investment after Foreclosure

Having a foreclosure history shouldn’t stop you from your dream of owning property abroad, here are three tips to get financing as a boomerang buyer.

1. Get equity from your US home.

Your friendliest partner will always be your property of the United States. You could get a second mortgage with 2.8% APR, only a fraction of what you will pay overseas

2. Home Collateral.

If you own a property in the United States, lenders in some countries, particularly international banks, will allow you to put that into collateral. You will have to establish that the property is free from liens. A lien will be dissuasive to the approval of your mortgage application.

3. Focus on International Banks.

When you begin to explore your financing options abroad, you must first visit the branches of foreign banks in the area where you are buying. If the same bank operates in the United States, they will have a better understanding and access to the facts related to your financial situation back home. You can even visit their branches in the United States to know your options.

These options would be effective if you work on your credit. You need to improve your credit rating when applying for a mortgage in the United States after foreclosure. The same is true anywhere in the world.

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