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What to Eat Before Pilates?

Ever walk into one of our Pilates classes and wish you hadn’t eaten such a large ‘energy’ meal before or better yet, wish you had eaten a little something because you feel positively weak? Our Pilates Physique instructors are often asked about pre-p

Ever walk into one of our Pilates classes and wish you hadn’t eaten such a large ‘energy’ meal before or better yet, wish you had eaten a little something because you feel positively weak? Our Pilates Physique instructors are often asked about pre-pilates meals and snacks so here are some guidelines:

Lily Nichols, Pilates Nutritionist has this to say:

First of all, you don’t want to eat a giant meal right before your Pilates session. A super-stuffed tummy means you won’t want to be using your core (the idea of pulling in your stomach when you’ve just chewed down is not enticing).

Pilates Classes In Sydney

Also, exercising right after a meal means your body has to divert energy away from digesting your food (what it wants to be doing) to sending blood and nutrients to your muscles. This causes bloating, gas and overall, not a happy Pilates client.

But, if you are S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G, you’ll be too weak to really get all the benefits of your Pilates session.

Ideally, you’ll want to check in with your hunger levels ahead of time and decide if you need a meal or a snack.

Then, time your meal or snack according to your workout, as suggested below.

If you have a hard time knowing if you’re truly hungry, read this first! Read More

Full Meal – 1 to 2 hours before your session to give yourself time to digest.

Why? A full meal with some protein, fat, and lots of veggies gives you just the right amount of pick-me-up to stay focused and rock it. Protein and fat are slow burning energy that give you the stamina to get through your workout. They take a bit more work for your body to digest, so don’t dig into a steak 30 minutes before you walk in.

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